Abelli, Randol
Building Maintenance Supervisor
Aldrich, Jacob
Instructor, Health/Physical Education
(860)496-5300 x3917
Allard, Royal
Department Head, Robotics and Automation
(860) 496-5300 x5337
Ariola, Jennifer
(860) 496-5300 x5319
Audibert, Andrew
Math Instructor
Balnis, Barbara
Building and Grounds Patrol Officer
Bambakidou, Terri
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 496-5300 x3905
Becker, Stephanie
Assistant Principal
(860) 496-5300
Benedict, Erin
Special Education Instructor
(860) 496-5300 x5326
Bernier, Darlene
(860) 496-5300 x5314
Borkoski, Melissa
(860) 496-5300 x5335
Boyer, Kathryn
Instructor, English/Language Arts
(860) 496-5300 x3934
Browne, Claire
Office Assistant
(860) 496-5300 x5317
Burkhardt, Kellie
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 496-5300 x5393
Butkus, Amber
Instructor, Mathematics
(860)496-5300 x5387
Caouette, Bethann
Assistant cook
860-496-5300 x5340
Connors, Tamara
General Education Department Head
860-496-5300 x3929
Cooke, Patrick
Instructor, Science
Costa, Kristen
Library Media Specialist
(860) 496-5300 x2339
D'Andrea, Dana
Secretary 1
(860) 496-5300 x5307
D'Esopo, David
DiCandia, Mike
Automotive Instructor
860-496-5300 x5329
Ducey, Robert
Department Head, Automotive Collison Repair and Refinishing
(860) 496-5300 x5377
Duffy, Gail
Assistant Principal
Dwyer, Edward
Instructor, Culinary Arts
(860) 496-5300 x3923
Dyer, Katherine
Ellin, Gary
Instructor, Science
(860) 496-5300 x5391
Erlingheuser, Michael
Special Education Teacher
Erlingheuser, Samantha
Special Education Teacher
(869) 496-5300 x 3937
Fasciano, Sarah
Hairdressing Teacher
860-496-5300 x5312
Fazio, Roxanne
PE, Health
(860) 496-5300 x 3919
Feliz, Ashley
Instructor Social Studies
(860) 496-5300 x3936
Fuoco, P.J.
(860) 496-5300 x5335
Gambucci, Anna Marie
Computers Teacher
Garcia, David
Department Head, Graphics Technology
860-496-5300 x5348
Gargano, Michael
Department Head, Carpentry
860-496-5300 x5327
Garzone, Franco
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 496-5300 x3902
Greco, Judith
Building and Grounds Patrol Officer
(860) 496-5300 x5352
Guerette, Stephanie
Assistant Cook
(860) 496-5300 x5340
Halter, Eve
860-496-5300 x5315
Hewitt, Carol
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 496-5300 x3928
Horne, Patrick
Head Cook
(860) 496-5300x5340
Hughes, Michael
English Instructor
(860) 496-5300 x5926
Ismail, Debra
School Nurse
860-496-5300 x5355
Jancewicz, Robert
Lead Custodian
(860) 496-5300 x 3909
Karouta, Nikolas
Mathematics Instructor
860-496-5300 x5368
O'Hara-Ferrari, Kathleen
Instructor Spanish
Kiszka, Amanda
Instructor, Social Studies
(860) 496-5300 x3930
Lakomski, Frank
Department Head Automated Manufacturing Technology
(860) 496-5300 x5332
LaMere, Norman
Department Head, Plumbing Heating & Cooling
(860) 496-5300 x5350
Lemieux, Jamie
Office Assistant
Lucuk, Paul
Instructor, Robotics and Automation
860-496-5300 x5336
Markel, Pleshette
Department Head, Health Technology
(860) 496-5300 x5346
Mazzone, Anthony
Instructor, Electrical
(860) 496-5300 x5374
McDowell, Michael
Department Head, Culinary Arts
(860) 496-5300 x5370
Migani, Nicholas
School Psychologist, 504 Coordinator
(860) 496-5300 x5314
Moreira, Rui
Instructor, Automotive Collison Repair and Refinishing
(860) 496-5300 x5376
Neurakis, Charles
(860) 496-5300 x5335
Palazzotto, Carl
Instructor, Health/Physical Education
(860) 496-5300 x3918
Pellegrino, Dominic
Instructor, Mathematics
860-496-5300 x-5358
Piller Julie
Instructor, Science
Polacheck, Sandra
Instructor, Reading/Language Arts
(860) 496-5300 x5378
Quinlan, Danielle
Instructor, Health/Physical Education
(860) 496-5300 x5341
Radomski- Grenier, Dawn
Fiscal Administrative Assistant
(860) 496-5300 x5306
Restaurant, Oliver's
860-496-5300 x5369
Richardson, Vera
Instructor, Mathematics
(860) 496-5300 x5368
Riddick, Julia
Department Head, Hairdressing and Cosmetology
(860) 496-5300 x5357
Rotondo, Leslie
Rowley, Bryan
860-496-5300 x5390
Russell, Amy
Computers Teacher
860-496-5300 x5353
Sanden, Paula
English Teacher
(860) 496-5300 x3933
Sanford, James
Instructor Precision machine
(860) 496-5300 x5331
Sarta, Sean
Automotive Department Head
Schaffrick, Dina
Office Assistant
Shellman, Richard
(860) 496-5300 x5308
Simoncelli, Ruth
Director of Counseling and Admissions
(860)496-5300 x5364
Smith, Audrey
Related Education Department Head, Physics
(860) 496-5300 x5309
Smith, Dori
Instructor English/Language Arts
860-496-5300 x3932
Snow, Sara-Beth
ELL Instructor
Spar, Matthew
Department Head, Support Services
860-496-5300 x5313
Sullivan, Jacqueline
Social Worker
(860) 496-5300 x5383
Tanguay, Raymond
Department Head, Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology
(860) 496-5300 x5320
Thompson, Mary
Instructor, Special Education
(860) 496-5300 x5325
VanDeusen, Barry
Instructor PHC
Walsh, Tom
Carpentry Instructor
860-496-5300 x5328
Zbell, Susan
Instructor, Health Technology
(860) 496-5300 x5345