Oliver Wolcott Technical High School Electronics Technology Student Wins 3rdPlace Bronze in National Competition!
Lucas Chaponis is a Junior Electronics Technology student at Oliver Wolcott Technical High School located in Torrington, CT; and will be a senior next school year. Lucas is a member of SkillsUSA, a national student leadership organization connecting students, business and industry together to ensure a skilled workforce. In [...]
School Photo Information
Seniors are handled through the studio. Those parents can call Tiffany at 860-621-6711. Ordering for underclassmen will have to call Sandi 860-620-1736. Retake day is November 4th. Click for order form Questions? Call Tamara Connors, Oliver Wolcott, (860) 496-5300 x3929 Click for photo order form [...]
Principal Message to Grade 9 Parents/Guardians
Dear Grade 9 Parent/Guardian, On Monday, August 30, we will welcome our new grade 9 students to Wolcott Tech for their first day! The start of school is at 7:15. Students should enter the school at the main entrance on Oliver Street. Students will be greeted by our enthusiastic staff and [...]
A Message from the Principal
9 August 2021 Dear Wolcott Tech Family, Welcome to all new and returning Wolcott Tech families for the 2021-22 school year. First, I want to thank all members of the Wolcott Tech community for their cooperation, understanding and patience last year. Under extremely difficult circumstances, we were able to maximize student time in [...]
School Start Dates
We cannot wait to see you Monday, August 30th for grades 9-11 and senior mentors. All grade levels will report on Tuesday, August 31st. Don't forget to do your summer reading. Click here for more info.
SkillsUSA Brings home the Awards!!! 2021
Congratulations to ALL the students for their participation in the virtual SkillsUSA competition on March 26th, 2021. While this year's competition included presentations that had to be done with industry judges "live" via Zoom, each competition still had a hands-on project component that needed to be completed before hand. [...]