Oliver Wolcott Technical High School
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News & Announcements

Summer Reading 2023

Summer Reading 2023   https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IXkMw-y62lm5yEVd0IWPZCWCuKOAGf62N3BZ96CGHB4/edit#slide=id.p  

Volleyball League Champs!

Congrats to the Wolcott Tech Boys Volleyball Team for winning the CT Volleyball League Inaugural Tournament Championships. The team fought a hard battle vs Rockville HS to five games and came out victorious at the end. Playing well for Wolcott Tech were seniors Mike Cappetto, Erik Ferrier, Josiah Dillard, [...]

Iron Clad Push Up contest

Students in all grades during the past couple of months took part in the Army's iron Clad high school push up contest. Competing against 7 other local high schools the wildcats win! Thanks to all the students who participated  

Wolcott’s Make the Grade Extended Day Program Starts 4/18!

The Make the Grade Extended Day Program is being offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-4:15, April 18 through May 30. Current program offerings include academic support, social and emotional learning, and trade offerings in Culinary, Electronics. MDET, and Hairdressing. Additional offerings may be added, depending on instructor availability.  Students must have a [...]

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